For so long, I've wanted to post to this blog; it has always had a special place in my creative heart. And I've met so many beautiful and inspiring friends through this blog. After many months of not posting, I feel like I should come back with this major, earth shattering blog post. Well, not this time around. But I do want to share with you a few photos of the last week of my life. I'm now on instagram, after much insistence by so many of my friends. It really is a great way to connect with so many of people I admire. And it's fast, easy, and visual.
I still plan on blogging here. But my interests (my life) have changed a lot since I started this blog. And I want this blog to be a reflection of all the new things I love and my interests. It's going to be a bit more personal - a better reflection of my daily life & interests.
I think that's why I love instagram. It's visual. I won't be posting here on a daily basis, but will be on a weekly basis. I'll be using instagram more throughout the week as it's a simple and honest way to share thoughts and happenings in my daily life.
My instagram handle is @thoughtfulday
I look forward to being connected again. Thanks so much. xxx
top photo - kids at patrick's studio making some art
middle photo - ives waiting patiently to watch us eat icecream, and lyla finally playing with her dollhouse after i took the dolls out and put in the horses (she's obsessed with horses)
bottom photo - lincoln center. i'll share more about that later this week. exciting times.
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