Friday, June 5, 2009


Summery, strawberry cupcakes, yum. Need I say more? A nice little summer sweet from Martha Stewart's recipes.

Have a lovely weekend everyone!!!

{photo from Martha Stewart}


Brandi said...

These look delicious (and relatively easy to make)! The farm near work has the most incredible fresh strawberries -- I ate a whole container by myself last night. I might have to go get more to try this recipe.

Bridechka said...

Looks yummy.

Cakewalk Baking said...

I haven't tried the cupcake recipe, but the buttercream is delish! I use about 1 cup of pureed fresh strawberries (with a pinch on salt) with 1/2 cup homedmade jam. YUM YUM YUM!

(pictures on my blog,, if you're so inclined.)

{The Perfect Palette} said...

yum indeed

. said...

That looks absolutely delicious! I want to eat it right now!

Crissy said...

That looks wonderful ... YUM!

Joanna Goddard said...

well, that is just the prettiest thing i've seen all day.

Fee - Makeup Savvy said...

This looks tooo good.